For over 20 years, SASS for Women has been working to end sexual violence and support survivors.
Pour plus de 20 ans, SASS a comme l'objectif de cesser la violence sexuelle faite aux femmes et de supporter les survivantes d'agression sexuelles a Cornwall, SDG & A. Tous les services offerts sont gratuit et confidentiel.
We are a non-profit grass-roots feminist organization committed to the support of victims/survivors who have experienced sexual violence; and the prevention and elimination of that form of violence. Our place is non-judgmental; open to all women, regardless of ability, race, religion, socio-economic status, culture and sexual orientation. We are a beacon for these women in the community.
Sexual Assault Support Services SDG&A Outreach services are offered in the counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry and Akwesasne to all women 16years of age and older, who are survivors of sexual violence at any point of their lives.